Decorative Blue Wheat

Viewing Your Panopto Quiz Results

Getting to Your Quiz Results

Go to your Panopto video by logging into .

Locate your video in the proper folder. This may be in your My Folder location, Meeting Recordings location, or in a course-specific folder.

Once you have located your video, hover next the the video thumbnail to view additional options and select the Settings button to open the video's setting menu.

Red arrow points at the Panopto video's setting button

Select the Quiz Results tab on the left side of the window that appears. This will provide a variety of result options to review.

Arrow points to the Quiz Results tab in Panopto's video settings menu

Reviewing the Results

View the Quiz Summary for percentage of questions that were answered correctly.

View the Panopto video's quiz by result summary

User Results Summary indicates how many questions each viewer answered correctly. These results can be downloaded as an Excel file to view results for more viewers.

View the Panopto Quiz Results by User Summary

Download results by section using the Detailed Results by Section area. Results can be downloaded and viewed by question.

View Panopto quiz results in detail by sectionLastly, results can be viewed by User and question to indentify which questions each individual user got correct and incorrect.

View the quiz results by user and individual question in Panopto quiz results area