Decorative Blue Wheat

Adding a Quiz to Your Video

Panopto provides the tools to embed a quiz in your videos for students to check their knowledge and earn points in your class. Follow the steps to add a quiz in your Panopto video.

1 - Open the Editor

Login to Panopto.Log in to Panopto using the Blackboard sign-in option

Use the Edit option to open your session in the Editor.

Use the Edit option to open the editor

2 - Setting Up the Quiz

Click on the timeline at the time in the video where you would like to insert a quiz. The red vertical line will indicate where the quiz will be added in the video. Panopto video timeline

In the left Navigation menu, click on Quizzes then select Add a Quiz.

Add quizA quiz window will appear.  In the upper right corner, select the drop-down menu to choose from different types of quiz questions. The quiz options include True/False, Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, and Fill In the Blank. The default is multiple choice.

Select your question type

3 - Choosing Your Question

Multiple Choice

Provides a space for you to enter the question and two possible answers. If you want to add another answer field you can do so by clicking the "Add Answer..." button.

Add an answer to the questionUse the radio button next to the answer to indicate which is correct.

Select the correct answerFill In the Blank

Requires the quiz-taker to manually type in answers to the question. Answers provided by the quiz-taker must match perfectly to those entered by the creator.

Fill in the blank question in Panopto quiz

Fill in the blank questions also provide a "preview" area so that the creator can verify how the question will appear.

A small information icon is present to the immediate right of the question, clicking on the small "i" icon will open additional information about creating a fill in the blank question.

Fill in the blank question info

Other Question Types

Other quiz question types include True/False and Multiple Select. Multiple Select allows for multiple correct answers to be presented and selected.

Multiple Answer questions in Panopto quizzing

To remove an answer you can click on the X to the right of any of the answers.

4 - Adding New Questions

Once you are done with a question, you can add another or select done. To add another question, click the Add a Question button in the lower right corner of the question window.Add a question or select doneIf you need to navigate to a different question in your quiz to make a change, you can use the Back and Next buttons in the lower left corner of the question window.Back and Next buttonsOnce you have added all of your questions, click the Done button to advance to additional quiz settings.

5 - Finalizing Your Quiz Setup

In the final settings area you can change the quiz position by changing the timestamp associated with the quiz, change the ability of the viewer to retake the quiz, show the viewer's grade after taking the quiz, and block advancing in the video until the quiz is completed.Final quiz settingsFinally, you can rearrange the order that the questions will appear in quiz by using the up and down arrows.Rearrange question order

When finished, select the Finish button and Apply changes to the video using the apply button in the upper right corner of the video.

Apply Changes to Panopto Video

*Important note:

It is highly recommended that you include no more than one quiz per video and limit the quiz to no more than ten questions for best use of the Quiz Results feature in Panopto.

Now that your quiz is created, you can share it to your Blackboard course and include it for a grade.

Connect Your Quiz to the Blackboard Grade Center