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Position Descriptions are housed in the PeopleAdmin applicant tracking software. There is no need for a paper position description.

Originators cannot fill a position. See Request to Fill for filling positions.

All active benefit eligible positions were loaded into on January 14, 2014. Position description information was collected from . No information was used from PeopleAdmin 5.8. Most of the position descriptions are shells and will need to be completed as time allows or when they become vacant.

Position Descriptions are essential for all employees so they know the expectations and duties of their jobs. Position Descriptions need updating or revising as job duties and expectations change. Departments sometimes realign positions to better meet their business needs and Position Descriptions will be revised. Performance evaluations should be based on the performance of job duties and expectations.

An Originator or Supervisor can revise their subordinates Position Descriptions at any time. Originators and Supervisors can create new Position Descriptions when necessary. Position Descriptions that are newly created or revised will be reviewed by those in the Position Description approval work flow. Once fully approved the Position is then stored in PeopleAdmin and can be retrieved by anyone in the department's approval work flow as well as Human Resources.

Admin's cannot create or revise Position Descriptions.

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All instructions are based on general procedures. College/Department or Divisional direction should be followed when instructions differ.

Revised: 08/30/2018 DC