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, the WSU applicant tracking system will send out emails any time a position is posted, republished, reposted or internally posted. These emails are sent to anyone having an approval role in the creating of this position.

Posting Emails


Posted Posting Emails

All Posted positions are placed on our external website  and available for anyone to apply. An email is generated by that is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers alerting them the position is now available for applicants. No action is needed from the recipients. Internal postings (Emergency Hire, Open to WSU Employees Only, Promotion and Search Waiver) are handled differently than external postings.

 PeopleAdmin Example Picture

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Republished Posting Emails

Republished is a way for Human Resources to make corrections (usually typographical) to a posting that has already been posted externally for applicants. When a posting goes to republished, it is simply pushing the correction(s) to the external website. It does not affect anything for prior applicants. The generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

PeopleAdmin Example Picture

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Reposted Posting Emails

If a position has closed and is requested to be re-opened, Human Resources will repost the position. No changes are made to the original posting. All active applicants remain in the previous applicant pool. Reposted postings always go to our external website where everyone can apply. The generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

Reposted Posting Email

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Filled Posting Emails

When an applicant is seated in a position from the Hiring Proposal, a  generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

Filled Posting

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Closed Posting Emails

Once a posting reaches the pre-determined closing date or is closed by Human Resources at the request of the Search Chair or the hiring department, the posting can no longer accept applications. The generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

Closed Posting Email

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Emergency Hire Posting Emails

A posting can be for an approved Emergency Hire. Every Emergency Hire will be "posted" as an internal link which will be sent directly to the intended applicant. There will be no posting and no one other than the intended applicant will be allowed to apply. The generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

Emergency Hire Posting Email

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Open to WSU Employees Only Posting Emails

Any Open to WSU Employees Only posting will appear on our internal website behind our single sign-on (CAS) system and only WSU employees can see it. External applicants cannot see these postings. Human Resources also advertise each of these positions through the WSU Today email resource. Students are not considered WSU employees and therefore cannot see internal postings. The generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

Open to WSU Employees Posting Email

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Promotion Posting Emails

Approved promotions are now handled through . Once the new position is formalized then a posting will be generated by Human Resources with a link provided to the supervisor of the employee being promoted. The employee will need to complete the application process. The posting will not be accessible by any other applicants. The PeopleAdmin generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

Promotion Posting Email

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Search Waiver Posting Emails

A posting can be for an approved Search Waiver. Every Search Waiver will be "posted" on an internal link which will be sent directly to the intended applicant. There will be no posting and no one other than the intended applicant will be allowed to apply. The generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

Search Waiver Posting Email


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Canceled Posting Emails

Occasionally, a posting will be withdrawn. Funding, an unsuccessful search, change in criteria or technical error are some of the reasons a Posting could be canceled. The generated email is sent to each member of the Request to Fill (RTF) approval flow approvers for their information. No action is needed from the email recipients.

PeopleAdmin Example Picture

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All instructions are based on general procedures. College/Department or Divisional direction should be followed when instructions differ.

Revised: 07/25/2018 DC