
We've Moved!

Please note, The Shocker Career Accelerator has moved to the Milly Marcus Annex of the Marcus Welcome Center.

New Career Services Platform is LIVE! 

Learn more about Shocker Central.

In this phase, students are acting on their career goals. Students network with purpose, conduct strategic job searches and are looking to find their fit in the workplace.

Unsure if this is where you are? Answer these questions to find out!

Do you know how to execute a successful job search?
Have you research organizations you are interested in?
Do you know what questions to ask to gauge company culture?
Have you networked to gather information and make connections?
Have you set clear goals and personal values?

Answered no to any of these questions - You are ready to act!
Click below to connect to resources.

Ready to Act

Ready to Act?

Keep going, you are almost to your goals! The third phase of the journey is the ready to act phase. 

In the ready to act phase students are taking proactive steps toward their career goals and striving to find their fit in the workplace. Fit is described as an alignment of values, beliefs and behaviors between employees and employers. The goal of finding your fit is to find a role and workplace where you can thrive, be fulfilled, and contribute your best. Students are reflecting on their values and workplace preferences, networking with purpose, conducting strategic job searches and researching employers.

Career Ready Journey skills built in this phase are: Self Assess, Find Your Fit

Image of a gear icon with the words "Self Assess"
Self-assessment is a form of reflection and is the foundation for learning and growing. Knowing how to self-assess will allow you to connect to your purpose and make informed decisions about your future. 
Image saying "Find Your Fit"

Fit in the workplace is described as an alignment of values, beliefs, and behaviors between employees and employers. Learn how to research companies and conduct strategic job searches to find your fit.


Attend a Career Fair

Attend a Career Fair to meet face-to-face with recruiters and hiring managers. Have your resume, prepare an outfit, and practice your elevator pitch.

Upcoming Career Events

Schedule a Professional Photo Appointment

A professional photo helps you make a positive first impression. Use this photo on LinkedIn, and other networking or job search platforms.

Schedule an Appointment

Review you PathwayU values and workplace preference results

Review your PathwayU values and workplace preferences results. Retake the assessments if you wish. These results can help you better understand what you are looking for in a career or employer.

Research employers

Research employers to find companies that align with your values and career goals. This research can help you determine fit and help you prepare for an interview or networking opportunity. 

Buzzfile (employers by major) Job Search Guide Coming Soon

Prepare for you job search

Prepare for your job search with our Job Search Prep Appointment. Define what type of job your are looking for, gather and refine all your materials and create a strategy for your search.

 Schedule an Appointment Job Search Guide Coming Soon

Practice your interview skills

Practice your interview skills and describe how you are the right fit for a future employer.  Receive constructive feedback from a career coach in a mock interview appointment or review our Interview Guide for helpful interview tips.

Schedule an Appointment Interview Guide Coming Soon


You made it through all three phases of your career journey! We want to hear about your success!

Fill out a Hero Card

The Career Journey is not a simple linear path with a beginning and an end. It looks more like a continuous series of loops that follow your interests and experiences throughout your professional lifetime. Don't be afraid to come back to the different phases throughout your journey.