Supporting the Students and Staff of Today  

This year's Day of Development is centered around the current climate students and staff are facing. Sessions are built to inform practice, develop skill sets, provide awareness, and engage in community around high impact issues.  



Program Details

Friday, January 5, 2024 | Woolsey Hall | 12:00 - 5:00 PM

sara lowery photo

Sara Lowery

"She speaks to audiences about authentic leadership, staying mentally healthy, and promoting real love is SELF LOVE. As a speaker, she is doing the two things she loves the most: encouraging audiences to think critically about their leadership journeys and inspiring people to be their best even if they think their walk is a mess!"

Schedule at a Glance: 

10:00 AM PDP Cohort Pre-Session (RSVP Required)
11: 30 AM Check-In
12:00 PM Lunch & Welcome
1:00 PM Keynote Speaker
2:00 PM Break
2:15 PM Breakout Block 1
3:15 PM Breakout Block 2
4:00 PM Community & Closing

Breakout Blocks: 

Breakout Block 1
  • Embracing Students of Today
    Workshop and discuss through various approachesand strategies focused on the students of today.
  • Storytelling 101 & Assessment Practices
    Discussion and workshop on assessment planning andhow to communicate your impact.
  • Shining A Light in Darkness
    Sara will lead a breakout discussing howprofessionals in Student Affairs sometimes pour froman empty cup.
Breakout Block 2
  • Employing Gen Z & ShockerGrow
    Discussing the various types of students that weemploy, performance evaluations, & engagement.
  • Student Affairs Trends, Challenges & Changes
    Current policies, trends, and needs of students oncampus. Identifying ways to care for our students.
  • Programming & Student Outreach
    Planning for the next year! What collabs or events doyou want to try, implement, or brainstorm?