
Student Affairs Assessment Workshops

The following list includes a variety of workshops and training opportunities to further develop assessment best practices. 

  • University Workshops
  • Baseline Assessment Methods  
  • Using Rubrics for Assessment
  • Beyond Surveys: Exploring Alternative Assessment Methods  
  • CAS Reviewer Training  
  • ShockerGrow Training

Divisional Assessment Resources   

    • BaseLine: Baseline provides technology, resources, and consultation to help you collect and analyze data, as well as summarize and present assessment findings. In addition to tools designed to help you implement assessment projects easily and effectively, Baseline provides webinars, hundreds of examples of projects completed by Student Affairs units from diverse operational areas, and a team of consultants who can help you design and launch your next project. Click and get started today! 
    • Insight 
    • Engage - ShockerSync
      • Swipers can be checked out from Office 231 to track and upload attendance to Anthology Engage 
  • Navigate 360This dynamic platform allows students and campus departments to connect quickly and efficiently. Students use Navigate360 to easily find resources, schedule appointments or tutoring, and virtually raise their hand for help. Staff and faculty use it to proactively reach out to students to help them anticipate challenges and navigate their academic success and journey to graduation. 
  • Virtual Learning
    • : 麻豆破解版 State partners with EAB in their efforts to achieve enrollment and growth goals, support students in their academic success, retain all Shockers, and advance strategic priorities. All WSU employess have access to an EAB partner account. To access your EAB account, or request one, visit the site.  
    • LinkedIn Learning: All Shockers have access to a free LinkedIn Learning account. Users can access all types of trainings, videos, and modules including specific topics for assessment practices.
    • : NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) is dedicated to advancing student affairs in higher education. Our programs and services empower professionals to foster student success. Members are able to log in, attend conferences, access on-demand learning, and more. 

Student Affairs Staff Portal  (Internal Facing Only/Staff Log in)

  • Professional Development Committee Members  

  • Student Employment Support  
    • Shocker Grow 
  • NASPA Competencies  
  • Staff Awards & Recognition 
  • Student Assistant Awards and Recognition  

Divisional Awards and Recognition

The purpose of the Student Affairs Awards is to recognize individuals in various roles in all departments within the organization who contribute to the mission of Student Affairs and provide excellent service to students, parents and families, and the Shocker community. Award recipients will be announced and honored at the Student Affairs end-of-year celebration. All University staff, faculty, and students may nominate a Student Affairs employee or department for these awards.