Jason Scuilla
"Look Both Ways"
Nov. 2–Dec. 13, 2019
Artist Statement
Though much of my work tends to be black and white in medium, the content sits in that mysterious gray area that makes life and humanity so complex, magical and interesting. In my life and in my prints, I try to find that delicate balance between disciplined intensity, seriousness, absurdity and humor. Monumental fragments of Italian sculpture have inspired my recent work. In these prints dramatic composition, intellectual subtlety, pictorial economy and a deadpan humor are combined to question mankind’s complex relationship with his mortality and the ancient past.
Artist Bio
Jason Scuilla is an artist and printmaker raised in Sarasota, Florida. His drawings and prints have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions throughout the US and Europe.
An American artist of Italian descent, Scuilla has spent considerable time in Italy studying and creating artwork. This experience continues to have a profound impact on his creative process.
Scuilla’s detailed prints are hand drawn and etched with an innovative electrochemical etching process. His mastery of this process has been recognized nationally and internationally in the scientific and print communities. He has lectured and demonstrated at universities, conferences, art centers, and print shops throughout the world.
Scuilla serves as associate professor and head of the printmaking department at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. He also serves as technical director and faculty advisor of the Kansas State University Pussycat Press.