Benefits for Joining Psi Chi

The intrinsic value of membership is rewarding to the achiever in that recognition of excellence leads to self-fulfillment and thus to self-realization. By recognizing that what you do does make a difference, you are stimulated to higher productivity. Accomplishments are enjoyed more when shared with others. Furthermore, the contacts made through Psi chi will be valuable throughout your educational and professional careers.

Concrete advantages of membership:

  1. The documents--a membership certificate and card which give tangible evidence of membership.
  2. The references provided throughout one's lifetime (this service alone is worth the investment).
  3. The experience gained by working with Psi Chi is excellent for building up a resume; it is difficult to attain that first managerial and creative experience.
  4. Psi Chi is a springboard for professional growth. Opportunities are made available to the members for promoting their research, receiving national and international recognition, meeting and interacting with leaders in their field, and meeting Psi Chi members of other chapters who also will be future leaders.
  5. The United States government recognizes membership in Psi Chi as meeting one of the requirements for entrance at the GS-7 level in the Federal service.

Climaxing the benefits mentioned above is knowing that many individuals, by their caring, dedication, perseverance, and hard work, have made it possible to encourage young persons interested in psychology to strive for excellence-- to reach toward that attainable star.

The ultimate test of the value of any membership organization lies in the accomplishments of its members. In each year of Psi Chi's history, more and more members have undertaken graduate studies. The membership directories of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society are studded with the names of Psi Chi members, both active and alumni. This is only an example demonstrating that the Society's purposes are being fulfilled.