Student Travel Funding Guidelines
PGSO 2016-2017
All current members who meet following requirements may apply:
- Must be in good academic standing with the psychology department and graduate school office, and
- Must have an approved plan of study on file with the psychology office and the graduate school office.
- Interested members must submit an application to the Treasure and/or the President for review within the application period.
Applications must include:
- Applicants name
- Applicants contact information (phone number, e-mail address, and/or home address).
- The conference the applicant plans to attend
- If the applicant is to present a poster, lecture-style talk, or serve on a discussion panel.
Application Process
Fill out and submit the Application Form to the PGSO Treasurer, Tiffany Leverenz.
Travel funding shall run from June 1 to May 31 each University fiscal year. Travel
funding shall be broken up into two six-month periods: 1) June 1 to November 30 and
2) December 1 to May 31.
The application period shall run from the start of the funding period until the start of the ninth week of the same period.
First-year students have until August 31 to apply for travel funding limited to the first funding period only.