
We've Moved!

Please note, The Shocker Career Accelerator has moved to the Milly Marcus Annex of the Marcus Welcome Center.

New Career Services Platform is LIVE! 

Learn more about Shocker Central.

Applied Learning Stories

Ryan Summerlin's Journey at Ballparks of America

Ryan Summerlin, a senior sport management major at 麻豆破解版 State University, spent his summer as a Sport Management Intern at Ballparks of America in Branson, Missouri. His internship provided an immersive experience in various aspects of the sport industry, from event management and public relations to facility maintenance and crisis management.

Rafael Guereque

Rafael Guereque, a junior at 麻豆破解版 State University (WSU), is a first-generation college student from Hugoton, Kansas, who is already gaining real-world experience in his chosen field of forensic science. WSU brought him closer to his dreams, and he鈥檚 now interning with the 麻豆破解版 Police Department.