By The Numbers 2021-2022
Campus Activities & Recreation
- 106, 088 entries
- 470 Intermural sports games played with 793 participants
- 6,235 Shocker Fit participants
- 50+ sponsored activities & events
- 2,360 participants attended events sponsored by C.A.R.
- 1,373 boats & bikes rentals
- 1,502 swim lessons given
Counseling And Prevention Services
- 25% increase from previous year
- 5,850 Individual appointments attended
- 30.8% of students served are First Gen Students
- 153 presentations were completed resulting in 9,411 contacts
- 29 student applied learning opportunities
- 1,298 individuals engaged in substance abuse prevention intervention
- 76% of respondents indicated that they are more likely to continue at 麻豆破解版 State University because of CAPS
- 21% of Student Athletes served
- 14,078 contacts with student parents, staff/faculty, and community members
- 12,432 students completed sexual violence training
- 899 individuals completed Suicide Prevention training
- 1,548 online mental health screens completed
- 1 new student-athlete per week seeking out mental health services
- 422 hours in group therapy
- 138 Students on a suicide specific treatment protocol
- 829 wellness cards distributed
- 1,090 CARE Team Reports
- Resulting in 1,006 cases
- $8,620 given towards Swipe Out Hunger
- 198 COVID Reports Supported
- 80.2% (807 unique students) identified as First Generation
- Top 5 referrals:
- Counseling & Prevention Services
- Success Coach
- Office of Disability Services
- Academic Advising COMCARE
- Top 3 Reported Concerns:
- Academic Concerns
- Anxiety
- Depression/Isolation
Office Of Diversity & Inclusion
- 5,580 attendees at 190 events
- 38% of students engaged with ODI are First Generation
- 237 members of Promoting Academic Student Success (PASS) with a 3.22 average GPA
- 13,784 total office visits (1,394 unique visitors)
- 160 students attended Multicultural Graduation
- 4.5/5 Campus Pride Index score
Child Development Center
- 50 applied learning opportunities
- Peek enrollment was 84
- Collaborated with 9 departments for student learning opportunities
- 21 community partnerships
Housing & Residence Life
- 1,451 total residents
- 67% are new students
- 184 first year residence participated in an LLC
- 200+ new security cameras across 3 residence halls
- Resident Assistants completed 2,716 Shock Talks with first year residential students
- 72.58% persistence rate for Housing and Residence Life Students
Office of Disability Services
- 700 students receiving accommodations
- 853 unique students
- 88% Persistence rate for students utilizing ODS
- 100 note taking Smart Pens
- 42.8% increase in students with Autism
- 1,440 hours of American Sign Language Interpreting provided
- Disabilities Accommodated
- Physical or Medical
- Anxiety
- Learning Disability
- Depression
Rhatigan Student Center
- 771,000 visitors
- 102.9% increase in traffic from 2020
- 12,624 total events hosted in the RSC
- 6,684 Shocker cards issued
- 57 student employees
- 3.38 average GPA of Shocker bowling athletes
- 39,460 games bowled in Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes
- 246,661 total transactions across 5 RSC dining options
- Access Now Pilot Program
- $83,463 textbook savings to students
- with a 97.8% participation rate
Student Conduct & Community Standards
- 388 Academic Integrity
- 780 Conduct Cases
- 1,127 total cases
- 83.3% increase in academic integrity cases
- Recidivism rate:
- 2 drugs & alcohol
- 20 academic integrity
- Top 5 Charges:
- Academic Integrity
- Alcohol, Drugs & Other Substances - Underage
- Cooking and Appliances: Cooking
- Fire and Safety
- Damage and/or Destruction or Property
Student Engagement, Advocacy & Leadership
- 10,624 ShockerSync Users
- 2,023 Registered Student Organization Events
- 11,260 hours of community service
- 26 Greek members
- 187 Registered Student Organizations
- 8,136 engaged students
- 95+ SEAL leaders with 76% retention rate
- 147 Community Organization served by Community Service Board
- The Shocker Support Locker
- served 550 students
- over 1,705 total visits
- 126 SEAL hosted events
- $61,300 raised and donated by chapters to national and local philanthropies
Testing Services
- 4,577 total exams
- 2,312 accommodation exams for ODS registered students
- 1,392 make-up exams
- 55 online ACT prep attendance
Student Health Services
- 18,632 secured messages between provider and students
- 9,323 appointments - 55% increase from previous school year
- 35% increase in prescriptions 5,355 total
- 110% increase in vaccinations 725 vaccinations excluding COVID-19
- 6,268 total lab tests excluding COVID-19 44% increase
- 86% of students felt SHS contributed positively to their campus experience
- Top 5 Diagnoses
- Sore Throats
- Screening for infections with STIs
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Major Depressive Disorder
- Encounter for desensitization to allergens
Together As A Division
- 1 Newly Established Office of ShockerStrengths Student Affairs Staff Engagement
- 42 Assessment Instruments have been designed and implemented.
- 469 Student Affairs Student Employees were paid $3.7 Million in student wages.
- Over 177,854 Student, Faculty, Staff and Community Connections were made Across 13 departments.
Our Priorities
- Creating/Maintaining a Welcoming and Inclusive Environment
- Developing a sustainable staffing model and budget for the division
- Advancing SEM/NISS/StratPlan/DEI Plans to Enhance Student Success