Kelsey Abendroth (Specialist / First Year Advisor, College of Applied Studies) β kelsey.abendroth@wichita.edu
Layna Adams, M.S. (Post-Masters Psychologist)
Alexis Aguilera (Student Worker - Business Operations)
Stefanie Ainley (Financial Specialist) β wsucollections@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Erah Ali, M.A. (Psychology Switch Intern)
Peggy Allen (Business Technology Analyst) β peggy.allen@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6150
Cynthia Allensworth (Administrative Assistant, Office of Student Success) β cynthia.allensworth@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3209
Roaa Alwazani (Prevention Ambassador)
Rachel Amerson, Ph.D. (Training Director, Psychologist)
Ben Anderson (Student Worker - Clinic)
Kelly Anderson APRN (Nurse Practitioner)
Maggie Anderson (Financial Specialist, Senior, Accounts Receivable) β wsucollections@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Maame Adwoa Ankrah (Saturday Session Coordinator & Language Access Facilitator, Upward Bound ΒιΆΉΖΖ½β°ζ Prep) β maameadwoa.ankrah@wichita.edu β 316-978-6923
Lana Anthis (Human Resources Business Partner) β lana.anthis@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6166
Amanda Lankeswari Abeywickrama Arachchilage (DOJ Grant Student Worker)
CNA, CMA Guillermo Argumedo (Student Worker - Clinic)
Estella Armenta (Prevention Ambassador)
Anna van Asselt, M.A. (Psychology Intern Switch)
Michele August (Associate Registrar, Registrar's Office) β michele.august@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3089
Diana Austin (Human Resources Business Partner and Employee Relations Manager) β diana.austin@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6149
Navya Baddam (Business Operations Student)
Samantha Baker, M.A. (Psychology Switch Intern)
Mouhamad Ballout, M.A. (Psychology Intern)
Esmeralda Barraza (Records and Registration Clerk - Record Verification, Registrar's Office) β esmeralda.valenzuela@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5479
Anita Barrett, PMP (ITS Director of Project Management) β anita.barrett@wichita.edu β 316-978-7575
Laura Baxter (Program Specialist) β laura.baxter@wichita.edu
Kristin Beal β kristin.beal@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6957
Amy Belden, M.Ed. (Applications Training Manager) β amy.belden@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3960
Vanessa Bell (Director of Marketing, Rhatigan Student Center) β vanessa.bell@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7008
Kelli Bennett (Database Coordinator, Haysville GEAR UP) β Kelli.Bennett@wichita.edu β 316-315-9018
Elisabeth Benteman (Coordinator Student Worker)
Pansorn Benyasut, Psy.D. (Psychologist, WSU Tech Coordinator)
Monica Bergkamp (Specialist / First-Year Advisor, OneStop Student Services, College of Engineering - Students with Last Names G-Z) β monica.bergkamp@wichita.edu
Mariah Berumen, M.A. (Psychology Intern)
Josh Betzen (Financial Analyst, Senior, Accounts Receivable) β wsu3rdparty@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Jeff Bever (Director of Systems)
Jordyn Bibbs (Student Program Coordinator) β jordyn.bibbs@wichita.edu β 316-978-3149
Michelle Block (HR Operations Coordinator) β michelle.block@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5617
CPT Serini Bloesser β serini.bloesser@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7654
Tegan Bonham (College Access Advisor, Haysville GEAR UP) β tegan.bonham@wichita.edu β 316-315-9018
Mikela Bonner BSN-RN (Nurse)
Aaron Bowen MLIS, MAIS (Associate Professor & Instruction & Research Services Librarian, University Libraries) β aaron.bowen@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5077
Jory Boyd (Director Purchasing, Purchasing) β purchasing.office@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5828
Caelin Bragg (Newsletter Editor, Strategic Communications) β caelin.bragg@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3013
Kenzie Brant (Prevention Ambassador)
James Brewster (Assistant Director, Hughes Metropolitan Complex) β james.brewster@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6752
Kindra Brooks (Specialist / First-Year Advisor, OneStop Student Services, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Students with Last Names M-Z) β kindra.brooks@wichita.edu
Dr. Arika Brown (Chiropractor)
Chloe Brown (Communication Student Worker)
Raegan Brown (IDP Human Resources Generalist) β raegan.brown@idp.wichita.edu β (316) 978-6425
Misty Bruckner MPA (Director) β misty.bruckner@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6527
Eason Bryer (Executive Director of Facilities Services) β eason.bryer@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7921
Hannah Bui, R.Ph (Registered Pharmacist)
Riley Burger (Undergraduate Student Assistant) β rdburger@shockers.wichita.edu
Karla Burris (Financial Specialist, Senior, Accounts Payable) β accountspayable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5886
Jamie Buster (Talent and Professional Services Manager ) β jamie.buster@wichita.edu
Mary Ann Byerly, M.A. (Mental Health Counselor)
Daisy Cabrales (Financial Specialist, Senior, Accounts Payable) β accountspayable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5907
Jen Campos, RN (Nurse)
Julia Capps (Director of Finance, Rhatigan Student Center) β julia.capps@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7040
Krysti Carlson-Goering β krysti.carlson@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3181
Donna Carter (Director of Operations)
Jessica Casper (Senior Program Specialist, Post-Awards)
Katherine Castaneda (Financial Specialist) β wsucollections@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Jay Castor (Database and Web Developer) β jay.castor@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7730
Ashley Cervantes (Program Director, McNair Scholars) β ashley.cervantes@wichita.edu
Jama Challans (Assistant to the Registrar, Registrar's Office) β jama.challans@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3672
Jennifer Chancellor (Senior Educational Accessibility Specialist) β Jennifer.chancellor@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3506
Ryan Chastain (Video Content Producer, Strategic Communications) β ryan.chastain@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3088
Maria Ciski (Director of RSC Event Services, Rhatigan Student Center) β maria.ciski@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7055
Matt Claxton (Director, Campus Media Services) β matt.claxton@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7840
Caiden Cloud (Student Worker - Clinic)
Shonda Colella, APRN (Nurse Practitioner)
Shelly Coleman-Martins (Vice President of Strategic Communications and Marketing, Strategic Communications) β shelly.coleman-martins@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3045
Larry Compton (Success Coach, Office of Student Success) β larry.compton@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7714
Melissa Conley (Associate Registrar, Registrar's Office) β melissa.conley@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6136
Brayden Copp (Peer Financial Coach)
Ryan Corcoran, CTS (Director, AV Engineering, Media Resources Center, Audiovisual Engineering) β ryan.corcoran@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7775
Stefanie Coronado (Success Coach, Office of Student Success) β stefanie.coronado@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3223
Tamarah Corwin (Transfer Equivalency Clerk, Registrar's Office) β tamarah.corwin@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5263
Kristie Courtney (Executive Director Business Services, Financial Operations) β kristie.courtney@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5988
Christina Covey (Business Manager, Pre-Awards)
Sara Cowen, DNP, APRN, FNP-C (Nurse Practitioner)
Stephanie Cowgill APRN (Nurse Practitioner)
Gina Crabtree (University Registrar and Director of Enrollment Services, Registrar's Office) β gina.crabtree@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3672
Chris Crager (Information Security Analyst) β chris.crager@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3900
Angela Cristelli, B.S. (Masters Level Intern)
Candace Dave (Social Work Practicum Student)
Katie Davidson (Director, Student Outreach & Support, CARE Team) β katie.davidson@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6122
Morgan Davis, M.S. (Mental Health Counselor)
Michelle Descartes RN (Nurse)
Chelsea Dey (Success Coach, Office of Student Success) β chelsea.dey@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3239
Raquel Diaz (Communications Student Worker)
Brenda Dietzman (PPMC Project Associate) β brenda@brendadietzman.com β (316) 304-6244
Crystal Dilbeck (Business Manager and Executive Assistant) β crystal.dilbeck@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3506
Matt Dixon (Prevention Ambassador)
Trystan T. Donmoyer (Student Admin, ITS PMO) β trystan.donmoyer.st@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7547
Natalie Doom (Catering Director, Dining Services)
Rachael Doyle (IDP Workforce Talent Consultant) β rachael.doyle@idp.wichita.edu β (316) 978-6909
Kathy Drzewiecki, M.A. (Doctoral Intern)
Amanda Duffy (Advisor)
Aisha Duggins (Talent Coordinator) β aisha.duggins@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3065
Alec Dulaney, B.A. (Masters Level Intern)
Jennifer Dynes (Project Manager) β jennifer.dynes@wichita.edu
Amy Easum (Director of Creative Services, Strategic Communications) β amy.easum@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7285
Isabel Ebersole (Research Project Manager) β isabel.ebersole@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6338
Erica Edwards, APRN (Nurse Practitioner)
Valerie Ellis (Success Coach, Office of Student Success) β valerie.ellis@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6852
Frances Ervins (Executive Director) β Frances.Ervin@wichita.edu β 316-978-7800
Jaya Escobar-Bhattacharjee (Associate Director) β jaya.escobar@wichita.edu β 316-978-5274
Daraleen Estill-Matos (Trades Supervisor, Paint Shop) β daraleen.estill-matos@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3444
Sally Fiscus (Associate Registrar, Registrar's Office) β sally.fiscus@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7279
Maggie Fisher MPA, PA-C, ATC (Physician Assistant)
Kat Fishwick (Doctoral Student )
Matthew Flanagan, M.Psy. (Psychology Intern Switch)
Ben Flowers, M.Ed. (Mental Health Counselor)
Nami Foster (Social Media Student Worker)
Brian Fouch (Financial Analyst, Senior) β wsuaccountsreceivable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Tiffany Franks (Assistant Director and Senior Research Analyst, Office of Planning & Analysis) β tiffany.franks@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6784
Sara Friesen, APRN, PMHNP-BC (Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
MA Jamie Fuller (Research Program Manager) β jamie.fuller@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6529
Will Fulls (Compliance Officer)
Monique Gaines (Communications Student Worker)
Ainsley Gallagher (Peer Financial Coach)
Trish Gandu (Director of Marketing and Advertising , Strategic Communications) β trish.gandu@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3335
Haylie Gardner (Purchasing Agent, Senior, Purchasing) β purchasing.office@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3783
Isaiah Gardner, B.A. (Masters Level Intern)
LaShonda Garnes MPA, PMP (PPMC Project Associate) β lashonda.garnes@wichita.edu
Mithila Gayatri MBA (Graduate Research Assistant) β mxmohan2@shockers.wichita.edu
Michelle Geesaman (Social Services Case Manager & Advocate, Student Outreach & Support, CARE Team) β michelle.geesaman@wichita.edu β (316) 978-2017
Greg Gegen (Access Coach, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β gregory.gegen@wichita.edu β 316-978-6972
Rachael Gladden, B.A. (Project Specialist)
Claire Goenner (Community Program Coordinator) β claire.goenner@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5130
Sarah Gooding (Community Program Specialist) β sarah.gooding@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6537
Heather Greenberg, M.A. (Psychology Intern Switch)
Neshia Greene (Administrative Assistant) β neshia.greene@wichita.edu
Jared Gulledge (Social Services Case Manager & Advocate, Student Outreach & Support, CARE Team) β jared.gulledge@wichita.edu β 316-978-6147
Emily Guthrie (Assistant Director of Strengths, Assessment and Staff Experiences (SASE)) β emily.guthrie@wichita.edu β 316-978-3149
Kimberly Gutierrez (Business Operations)
Emily Haefele (College Access Advisor , Haysville GEAR UP) β emily.haefele@wichita.edu β 3163159018
Michelle Haetten (Business Technology Analyst, Registrar's Office) β michelle.haetten@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6096
Mallie Hall (Mental Health and Performance Counselor)
Quinn Hall (Assistant Director of Web & Digital Analytics, Web Project Manager, Strategic Communications) β quinn.hall@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3820
Teri Hall Ph.D. (Vice President for Student Affairs) β teri.hall@wichita.edu β 316-978-3021
Kayleen Hallberg (Administrative Specialist/Database Manager) β kayleen.hallberg@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5933
Aaron Hamilton (Director, OneStop Student Services) β aaron.hamilton@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7456
Kaelyn Hannah (Student Program Coordinator, Office of First-Year Programs, Office of Student Success) β kaelyn.hannah@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3453
Ken Harmon (Chief Information Officer) β ken.harmon@wichita.edu β 978-5645
Dacaria Harris (Student Worker - Clinic)
Tim Hart (Director of Web and Digital Strategy, Strategic Communications) β tim.hart@wichita.edu β 316-978-6192
Janet Hartley (Financial Aid Advisor)
Rebecca Haverkamp (Prevention Ambassador)
Kaylyn Hawbaker, BSN-RN (Nurse)
Suzanne Hawley, Ph.D. (Prevention Faculty Fellow, Public Health Sciences)
Linda Hayes (Financial Specialist, Senior, Accounts Payable) β accountspayable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5798
Kimberly Hays (Director Accounts Payable, Accounts Payable) β accountspayable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5796
Patrick Heath (Communications Specialist, Public Policy & Management Center) β patrick.heath@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7136
Tiffanie Henderson (Executive Administrator, K-12 Connections and Special Projects) β tiffanie.henderson@wichita.edu β 316-978-5061
Amber Henley (Records and Registration Clerk - Record Verification, Registrar's Office) β amber.henley@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6759
Ryan Herbel (Eligibility Specialist, Pre-Awards)
Corey Herl (University Police Captain) β corey.herl@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5528
Antonio Hernandez (Financial Aid Advisor)
Enrique Hernandez (Financial Analyst, Senior, Accounts Payable) β accountspayable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5811
Shanda Hernandez (Financial Analyst, Senior/Business Procurement Card Administrator, Accounts Payable) β accountspayable@wichita.edu; PcardAdmin@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6932
Rhonda Hicks (Director) β rhonda.hicks@wichita.edu β 316-978-6515
Gianna Hill M.S., M.A. (Psychology Intern Switch)
Heather Hill (Financial Aid Advisor)
Sandra Hill DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC (Nurse Practitioner)
Vita Hill, BSN-RN (Nurse)
Brian Hinman, B.S. (Masters Level Intern)
Jose Hinojosa (Program Director, Haysville GEAR UP) β jose.hinojosa@wichita.edu β 316-978-6908
Sharmon Holcomb (Records and Registration Clerk - Academic Records, Registrar's Office) β sharmon.holcomb@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6116
Christian Holley (Financial Specialist) β christian.holley@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6834
Bethany Hollingsworth (Prevention Ambassador)
Marcie Holsteen (IDP Director of Human Resources) β marcie.holsteen@idp.wichita.edu β (316) 978 5216
Kylee Holtman (HR Operations Coordinator) β kylee.holtman@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3068
Kalie Hopkins (BSW Practicum Student)
Cindy Horton (University Operator, OneStop Student Services) β cindy.horton@wichita.edu
Richard Hosch (Audio-Visual Engineer) β Richard.Hosch@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3588
Dhristy Hossain (Marketing Coordinator) β dhristy.hossain@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3021
Matt Houston (Senior Electrician) β matthew.houston@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3444
Sarah Hrenchir, B.A. (Clinical Practicum Student)
Valerie Hubener (Graduate Assistant)
Nathan Huerter (Business Technology Analyst) β nathan.huerter@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6822
Josh Hughes (Student Worker - Clinic)
Kristi Hughes (Administrative Specialist, Registrar's Office) β kristi.hughes@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3073
Carmen Hytche (Director of Special Events and Community Relations, Strategic Communications) β carmen.hytche@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3142
Jaci Ignudo (Senior Digital Specialist, Strategic Communications) β jaci.ignudo@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7286
Josie Jahde (Financial Specialist, Senior, Accounts Payable) β accountspayable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7736
Addie James (OneStop Specialist, OneStop Student Services) β addie.james@wichita.edu
Scott Jensen (Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Operations, Student Affairs Operations) β scott.jensen@wichita.edu β Ext. 6612
Theresa Jensen (Records and Registration Clerk - Academic Records, Registrar's Office) β theresa.jensen@wichita.edu
Kylie Johnson (Assistant Director, OneStop Student Services, Interim* Engineering Last Names: A-L and LAS Undecided Majors) β kylie.johnson@wichita.edu
Nathan Johnson Ed.D. (Employee Relations Specialist) β nathaniel.johnson@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3065
Caleb Johnston (Manager, Video Services) β caleb.johnston@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7760
Hollie Johnston (HR Operations Coordinator) β hollie.johnston@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5615
John P. Jones (Executive Director) β john.jones@wichita.edu β 316-978-7751
Lucas Jonker (Undergraduate Student Assistant) β lrjonker@shockers.wichita.edu
Caitlin Jordan (Program Coordinator, Academic Success Programs, Office of Student Success) β caitlin.jordan@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3241
Michele Keethler, RDN, LD (Registered Dietitian)
Corinthian Kelley MA (Outreach Manager/Program Specialist) β Corinthian.Kelly@wichita.edu β 316-978-7800
Julisa Khan MHRM (Human Resources Business Partner) β julisa.khan@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6143
David Kidd (Director of Information Technology, Rhatigan Student Center) β david.kidd@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7070
Luke Klausmeyer (Business Technology Analyst, Financial Operations) β luke.klausmeyer@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5987
Kevin Konda (Associate VP, Student Affairs / Auxiliary Services & Director, Rhatigan Student Center, Student Affairs, Rhatigan Student Center) β kevin.konda@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7001
Marissa Kouns (Business Manager, Post-Awards, Office of Financial Aid)
Em Kribs (Manager, Academic Accommodations and Accessibility) β em.kribs@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7772
John Kromer (Senior Educational Accessibility Specialist) β John.Kromer@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3506
Erica Kudelin, M.A. (Psychology Switch Intern)
Tara LaForce (Talent Consultant) β tara.laforce@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6045
Kristen LaVoie (Senior Program Specialist, Scholarships)
Ron Lacen (Senior Audiovisual Technician) β Ron.Lacen@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3588
Austin Lager (Technology Support Specialist) β Austin.Lager@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3588
Lily Lai, Psy.D. (Mental Health Counselor)
SFC Grayson Ivan Lambert (Senior Military Science instructor ) β grayson.lambert@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7656
Jonathan Larson, M.S. (Practicum Student)
Dori Lebron Malave (Student Worker - Clinic)
Lisa Lee (Talent Consultant) β lisa.lee@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3644
Christopher Leonard, Psy.D. (Director, Counseling & Psychological Services)
Shawn Leslie, M.A. (Psychology Intern)
Ali Levine (ITS Applications Training Lead Microsoft Certified Trainer Microsoft Office Specialist Master) β ali.levine@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3901
Angie Lima (Business Operations)
Angela Linder (Office Manager)
Courtney Lockhart (Social Services Case Manager & Advocate, Student Outreach & Support, CARE Team) β courtney.lockhart@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3712
Ryan Lohfink (Interim Director Accounts Receivable) β ryan.lohfink@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6014
Dr. Thalia Lopez (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
Charity Lowe (Academic Advisor/Tutor Coordinator) β charity.lowe@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5956
Huabo Lu, Ph.D. (Prevention Faculty Fellow)
Mercedes Lubbers MEd (Academic Advisor/Study Skills Coordinator) β mercedes.lubbers@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5934
Grace Lyons, B.A. (Practicum Student)
Seth Macy (Degree Audit Programmer, Registrar's Office) β seth.macy@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6708
Brook Marchant (Compensation Specialist) β brook.marchant@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6318
Mike Marlett (Manager, Web Services, Media Resources Center, Web Services) β mike.marlett@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7755
Susan Martin (HR Project Manager) β susan.martin@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6496
Chelsea Martinez B.A. (Communications, Marketing, & Academic Advising Specialist) β chelsea.martinez@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5950
Kobi Mathies (Prevention Ambassador)
Jess Mazzanti ( Medical Receptionist)
Lainie Mazzullo-Hart (Director of Strategic Communication (Primary media contact), Strategic Communications) β lainie.mazzullo@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3409
Sarah McGill, M.A. (Psychology Intern Switch)
Sara McIntyre (HR Coordinator) β sara.mcintyre@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3065
Ashley McKinney (Social Services Case Manager & Advocate, Student Outreach & Support, CARE Team) β ashley.mckinney@wichita.edu β (316)978-6181
Isabel Medina Keiser (Director, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β isabel.medinakeiser@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6970
Heather Merchant (Senior Educational Accessibility Technologist) β heather.merchant@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7779
Ginny Mertes (Benefits Coordinator) β ginny.mertes@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5205
Dakota Miller (Video Content Producer) β Dakota.Miller@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7771
Matthew Mooers, M.A. (Psychology Intern)
Taylor Moore (Project Manager) β taylor.moore@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7759
Kelsey Morris, BS (Masters Level Intern)
Mary (Patricia) Morriss (LMS Specialist) β patricia.morriss@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7766
Jeff Moser (Community Partner Coordinator)
Annelise Muret (Art Director, Strategic Communications) β annelise.muret@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7306
Robby Murray (Purchasing Agent, Senior, Purchasing) β purchasing.office@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5185
Tahrima Musa (Program Coordinator, First-Year Programs, Office of Student Success) β tahrima.musa@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3453
Connie Nash (Talent Coordinator) β connie.nash@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3065
Alicia Martinez Newell (Assistant Vice President of Student Belonging, Student Affairs, Division of Student Affairs, Student Belonging) β alicia.newell@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6105
Vipavee Ngamsri BSN-RN (Nurse)
Allison Nguyen (Records and Registration Clerk - Academic Records, Registrar's Office) β allison.nguyen@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6709
Annie Nguyen (Business Technology Analyst, Senior, Financial Operations) β annie.nguyen@wichita.edu β 316-978-6919
Huy Nguyen M.Ed. (Data Administration) β nguyen273824@gmail.com β (316) 841-8131
Kendra Nguyen (Public Health Program Specialist, Community Engagement Institute, Center for Public Health Initiatives) β Kendra.Nguyen@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6776
Jennifer Nicholson (Assistant Director, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β jennifer.nicholson@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6969
Julia Nightengale (Prevention Ambassador)
Kristian Nulik (Communications Student Worker)
Courtney Nunez (Medical Administrative Specialist)
Chukwunenye Nweke, M.S. (Mental Health Counselor)
Kate O'Brien, M.A. (Doctoral Intern)
Rebecca Off (Event Coordinator, Rhatigan Student Center) β rebecca.off@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7058
Marsha Olson (Research Grant Administrator, Accounts Receivable) β wsu3rdparty@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Cora Olson, M.P.H., M.A. (Project Specialist Prevention Services)
Elia Ortega (Specialist / First-Year Advisor, OneStop Student Services, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Students with Last Names A-L) β elia.ortega@wichita.edu
Carmen Ortiz (Coordinator, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β carmen.ortiz@wichita.edu β 316-978-8378
Madison Osburn RDN, LD (Registered Dietitian)
Alexandrea (Allie) Owens (Records and Registration Specialist - Registration Supervisor, Registrar's Office) β allie.owens@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5394
Naquela Pack (Director, K-12 Connections and Special Projects) β naquela.pack@wichita.edu β 316-978-5955
Michelle Page-Bradford (Eligibility Specialist, Pre-Awards)
David Pagidimarri (Front Office Student Worker)
Brandee Palmer (Business Operations)
Tasha Parker (Community Practicum Student)
Jeanne Patton β jeanne.patton@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5059
Angela (Angie) Peluso (Records and Registration Clerk - Registration, Registrar's Office) β angie.peluso@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5348
Margaretha Penner MA (Instructional Design Specialist) β mxpenner-hiebert@shockers.wichita.edu
Kayla Pennick (Social Media Manager, Strategic Communications) β kayla.pennick@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7293
Heather Perkins β heather.perkins@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5568
Katie Pham (Video Content Producer) β katie.pham2@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7771
Cara Pierce (HR Operations Supervisor) β cara.pierce@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6151
Jessica Pierpoint MLS (Library Patent and Trademark Specialist; PTRC Representative) β jessica.pierpoint@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5074
Jacob Poletek (College Access Advisor, Haysville GEAR UP) β jacob.poletek@wichita.edu β 316-315-9018
Prathyaksha Poosa (Graduate Student Assistant) β pxpoosa@shockers.wichita.edu
Rachel B. Porcaro (Instructional Design Specialist, Office of Instructional Resources) β rachel.porcaro@wichita.edu β (316)978-3507
Sheryl Propst (Director of Talent Management and Systems) β sheryl.propst@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6926
Dr. Jessica Provines, PhD (Assistant Vice President for Wellness, Chief Psychologist, Vice President of Student Affairs, Student Health Services) β jessica.provines@wichita.edu β Ext. 6103
Jessica Provines, Ph.D. (Assistant Vice President for Wellness, Chief Psychologist)
Aidan Pulaski (AV Live Event Services Lead) β Aidan.Pulaski@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3588
DeJon Purnell, Ph.D. (Director of Mental Health & Performance)
Prya Radhakrishnan (Student Worker - Business Operations)
Matt Rasico (Technical Producer) β Matthew.Rasico@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7771
Kelly Rawlings (Lead Interpreter & Notetaker Coordinator, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β kelly.rawlings@wichita.edu β 316-978-6976
Shashidhar Reddy Parapatakam (Social Media Student Worker)
Corby Redington (ITS Applications Training Specialist) β corby.redington@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3083
Nita Reed (Senior Educational Accessibility Specialist) β Juanita.Reed@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3506
Abigail Rees (Social Media Student Worker)
Rich Renollet (Director of the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes, Rhatigan Student Center) β rich.renollet@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7051
Brad Richards (Community Program Coordinator) β bradley.richards@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6541
Curt Rierson (Creative Manager) β curt.rierson@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7771
Michael Rivas (Student Worker)
MPA James Roberts (Strategic Initiatives Manager) β james.roberts@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6688
Sadi Roberts (Learning & Development Specialist) β sadi.roberts@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3065
Mark Rodee (Chief Information Security Officer) β mark.rodee@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3900
Dr. Heidi Rodrick (Assistant Director, Office of Student Success) β heidi.rodrick@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3298
Reyna Rodriguez Gillenwater, BSSW (MSW Practicum Student)
Kat Rodriguez (Talent Acquisition Manager) β kat.rodriguez@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3554
Joshua Roeder (Access Coach, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β joshua.roeder@wichita.edu β 316-978-3067
Kennedy Rogers (Director of Strengths, Assessment and Staff Experiences (SASE), Student Affairs ) β kennedy.rogers@wichita.edu β Ext. 6616
Jessica Romero (BSW Practicum Intern)
Emma Roniger (Undergraduate Student Assistant) β exroniger@shockers.wichita.edu
Oscar Avila Roson (Marketing Assistant) β vpsa.marketing@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3021
Jillian Ross-Mason (Senior Prevention Ambassador)
Sam Rowan (Clinical Office Manager)
Samantha Rowen (Part-time Medical Administrative Specialist)
Sara Rue MLIS (Reference and Instruction Services - Assessment and User Experience Librarian, University Libraries) β sara.rue@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6331
Emily Rueda (Graphic Design Student Worker)
Kayla Saens (Access Coach, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β kayla.saens@wichita.edu β 316-978-5279
Monica Salmeron (PPMC Project Associate, Harmony Marketing) β monica@harmony.marketing
Kim Sandlin (Director, Office of Student Success) β kim.sandlin@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3209
Annette Santiago, MSW (Mental Health Counselor)
Eiran E. Saucedo-Rodarte M.S. (Assistant Director, Office of First-Year Programs, Office of Student Success) β eiran.saucedo.rodarte@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3708
Amanda Schmits (Director of Human Resources, Rhatigan Student Center) β amanda.schmits@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7003
Brian Schmitz, RN (Nurse)
Guy Schroeder (University Police Chief, ΒιΆΉΖΖ½β°ζ State University Police Department) β guy.schroeder@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3450
Franklin Schulte (Manager Accounts Receivable, Accounts Receivable) β wsuaccountsreceivable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Julie Scott (Business Technology & Data Analyst, Office of Financial Aid)
Matt Seiwert (Security Analyst) β matt.seiwert@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3900
Aniksha Sequeria, MSW (Masters Level Intern)
Rebeca Serrano (Executive Assistant to the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs) β rebeca.serrano@wichita.edu β (316) 978- 3149
Kathy Sexton ICMA-CM (Senior Management Consultant) β kathy.sexton@wichita.edu β (316) 371-6451
Sarah Shaffer MA (Operations Director) β sarah.shaffer@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6526
Ritina Shakya (Graphic Design Student Worker)
Stacy Shanahan (Administrative Specialist, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β Stacy.Shanahan@wichita.edu β 316-978-5275
Aanchal Sharma (Communications Student Worker)
Josh Shay (Recruiting, Scholarships and Enrollment Coordinator) β joshua.shay@wichita.edu β 913-731-3382
Jed Shepherd BA (Program Specialist) β Jed.Shepherd@wichita.edu β 316-978-7800
Mercedes Shoemaker (Executive Assistant, Strategic Communications) β mercedes.shoemaker@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3045
Kimberly Silva, BSN_RN (Nurse)
Linda Sims (Event Coordinator, Rhatigan Student Center) β linda.sims@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7057
Ryley Skinner, M.A. (Psychology Intern)
Samantha Slade, Ph.D. (Counseling Faculty Fellow, Clinical-Community Psychology Program)
Samantha Smith, M.A. (Community Psychology Practicum Student)
Sarah Smith, M.A., LMLP (Clinical Psychology Practicum Student)
Nigel Soria PhD (Research Economist & Data Scientist) β nigel.soria@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6296
Vanessa Souriya-Mnirajd MEd (Director) β vanessa.souriya@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5949
Carolyn I. Speer PhD, CPTM, CPACC (Director, Office of Instructional Resources) β carolyn.speer@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7555
Angela Spencer, BSN-RN (Nurse)
Dave Sprinkle (Business Technology Analyst, Senior, Financial Operations) β david.sprinkle@wichita.edu β (317) 694-7170
Russell Spurlin (Administrative Specialist) β russell.spurlin@wichita.edu β 316-978-3101
Heather Stafford, BSN, RN (Director, Student Health Services) β heather.stafford@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6837
McKenzie Stalnaker, B.S. (MSW Practicum Intern)
Craig Steier (Director of Plant Operations, Rhatigan Student Center) β craig.steier@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7054
Shasta Steinert (Access Coach, Office of Student Accommodations & Testing) β shasta.steinert@wichita.edu β 316-978-6988
Sarah Stephens-Selmon, M.P.A. (Project Specialist Prevention Services)
Marcia Stevens (Regional Director, Kansas Small Business Development Center) β marcia.stevens@wichdita.edu β (316) 978-3193
Erin Stieben (Director of Marketing) β erin.stieben@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3152
Ellen Sudarshan (Records and Registration Specialist - Record Verification, Registrar's Office) β ellen.sudarshan@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5309
Paul Suellentrop (Senior Communicator, Strategic Communications) β paul.suellentrop@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5536
Ashok Surender (Success Coach) β ashok.surender@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6564
Sheelu Surender (Executive Director, Financial Aid and Scholarships ) β sheelu.surender@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5337
Luisa Sustaita (Business Operations)
Rhenee Swink (Records and Registration Clerk - Registration, Registrar's Office) β rhenee.swink@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5364
Long Ta (LMS System)
Sara Tank-Ornelas (Speechwriting and Copywriting Manager, Strategic Communications) β sara.ornelas@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7287
Samantha Tedder, M.S. (Associate Director, Clinical Director and Groups Coordinator)
Michelle Ternes (Specialist / First-Year Advisor, Barton School of Business) β michelle.ternes@wichita.edu
Krista Thacker (Project Manager, Talent Management System) β krista.thacker@wichita.edu β (316) 978-6024
Jahanvi Thakkar B.S. (Database Specialist & Academic Advisor) β jahanvi.thakkar@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5951
Alicia Thompson (Associate Vice President, K-12 Connections and Special Projects) β alicia.thompson@wichita.edu β 316-978-5286
Kim Thompson (Business Technology Supervisor) β kim.thompson@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3478
Neiman Thompson (Prevention Ambassador)
Arlene Thomsen (Senior Program Specialist, Post-Awards)
Krista Thurber, DNP, APRN, NP-C (Nurse Practitioner)
Trang Tieu (Manager of Student Impact, Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships) β trang.bui@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5027
Lisa Tilma (Director of the Shocker Store, Rhatigan Student Center) β lisa.tilma@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7083
Felicia Torres (Financial Analyst, Accounts Receivable) β wsu3rdparty@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Santiago Vera Torres (Security Engineer) β santiago.veratorres@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3900
Trang Trinh (Senior Program Specialist, Post-Award)
Ja'Nae Tunley (Financial Aid Retention Specialist)
Theresa Turenne (Financial Specialist, Senior, Accounts Receivable) β wsuaccountsreceivable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Grace Ulichnie B.A. (Learning Skills Coordinator & Academic Advisor) β grace.ulichnie@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5931
Muhammad Aamir Usmani (Director of Library Technologies, University Libraries) β muhammad.usmani@wichita.edu β 316-393-1691
Vacant (Financial Specialist, Senior, Accounts Receivable) β wsuaccountsreceivable@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3333
Reed Van Deest (Purchasing Agent, Senior, Purchasing) β reed.vandeest@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3070
Dr. Delane Vaughn (Student Health Physician)
Kimberly Vermillion (Business Operations)
Jocelyn Villanueva (Student Worker - Assistant to Director)
Ginny Vincent (Catalog Editor, Registrar's Office) β ginny.vincent@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5395
Tudsaley Vongsena (Prevention Ambassador)
Janna Wagner (Student Worker - Clinic)
Cynthia Walker, DNP, APRN, CNS, FNP-C (Nurse Practitioner)
Jessica Walles CPA (Business Manager, ITS Telecommunications) β jessica.walles@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5611
Marsha Walter (Records and Registration Clerk - Academic Records, Registrar's Office) β marsha.walter@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7278
Colton Wasinger (Technology Support Specialist) β Colton.Wasinger@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3588
Michael Webb (Grant Funding Specialist)
Jeremy Webster (Website Manager) β jeremy.webster@wichita.edu β (316) 619-3857
DNP, APRN-C Belinda Werth (Nurse Practitioner)
Vicki Whisenhant (Chief Human Resources Officer, Human Resources) β vicki.whisenhant@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3065
Emily Whiteside (Marketing Coordinator, Strategic Communications) β emily.whiteside@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7241
Stephanie Whitney, M.A. (Psychology Switch Intern)
Lisa Wiebe, APRN (Nurse Practitioner)
Samuel Willis MLS (Technology Development Librarian, University Libraries) β samuel.willis@wichita.edu β (316) 978-5104
Laura Wilson (Human Resources Assistant, Rhatigan Student Center) β laura.schaar@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7005
Garret Winsor (Transfer Equivalency Supervisor, Registrar's Office) β (316) 978-6141
Staysha Work-Field MA (Outreach Manager/Program Specialilst ) β Staysha.Work-Fields@wichita.edu
Jacob Workentine (Communications Student Worker)
Lindsay Wray (Business Technology Analyst, Financial Operations) β lindsay.wray@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3075
Karen L. Wright MS. Ed. (Interim Director, Tutor Coordinator & Academic Advisor) β karen.wright@wichita.edu β (316) 978-7478
Marcus Wright (Director of Videography, Strategic Communications) β marcus.wright@wichita.edu β (316) 978-3868
Stacey Wright-Haviland (Business Operations Manager) β stacey.wright-haviland@wichita.edu β 316-978-6826
WuShock (Mascot)
Janardhan Yalamanchili (Graduate Student Assistant) β jxyalamanchili@shockers.wichita.edu
Federica Yapp (Administrative Assistant, Haysville GEAR UP) β Federica.Yapp@wichita.edu β (316)315-9018
Kate Young (Project Associate ) β kate.young@wichita.edu
Marci Young, Psy.D. (Director of Prevention Services)
Philip Zavala (Communications Student Worker)
Angela Zeorlin (Business Manager, Scholarships)
Emily Zimmerman (Business Manager, Student Affairs Administration) β emily.zimmerman@wichita.edu β Ext. 6940