
Academic Interests and Expertise

European Jewish and German History

Areas of Research Interest

Contemporary Pedagogy

Areas of Teaching Interest

Contemporary History and Holocaust History

Teaching Portfolio:

“Advanced Historical Methodology” (Graduate Seminar)

“The Age of Jewish Emancipation in Europe” (Graduate Seminar)

“Antisemitism in Modern Europe” (Graduate Seminar)

“Fact, Opinion and Why the Both Matter (Honors First Year Seminar)

“Fascism and Ultra-Nationalism (Graduate Seminar)


“History Beyond the Headlines”

“The Holocaust”

“The Holocaust in Film”

“The Jewish Experience in Christian Europe”

“Modern Europe I, 1789-1871”

“Modern Europe II, 1871-1945”

“Modern German History: 1815-1989”

“Modern Jewish History”

“The Nationalist Enterprise in Europe” (Graduate Seminar)

“War, Religion and Genocide in the 20th Գٳܰ”

“Western Civilization: The Modern Era”

“Western Civilization: The Early Modern Era”



Our Only Hope: Eddie’s Holocaust Story and the Weisz Family Correspondence. (University Press of America, 2008).

Constructing Modern Identities: Jewish University Students in Germany, 1815-1914. (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1999).

Contributing Author

Holocaust Chronicle. (Chicago: Publications International, January, 2000)


Journal Articles and Essays (Sole Author)

“Testing the Limits of Academic Freedom: Controversial Art on College Campuses,” Metropolitan Universities, Vol. 18, #2, (2007), 66-76.

“Profiles of Acculturation:  Jewish Communities in 19th Century Germany,” Judaism. A Quarterly Journal of Jewish life and Thought. (Summer, 2006), 63-73.

“Native Born Strangers: Jews, Catholics and the German Nation, Religion und Nation. Nation und Religion. Beiträge zur einer unbewältigen Geschichte. (Göttingen: Vallstein Verlag, 2004), 141-56.

“Divergent Paths of National Integration and Acculturation: Jewish and Catholic Educational Strategies in 19th Century Hesse-Darmstadt,” in Towards Normality? Acculturation and Modern German Jewry. Rainer Liedtke and David Rechter, eds. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003), 237-250.

"Images of God and Country: Jewish National and Religious Identities in Wilhelmine Germany," Aschkenas. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden.  8 (Fall, 1998), 425-37.

"German Jewish Identity in the Kaiserreich: Observations and Methodological Considerations," Jewish History, Vol 9, #2 (1995), 73-91.

"Jewish University Students in Germany and the Construction of a Post-Emancipatory Identity: The Model of the Freie Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung," Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook, 39 (1994), 65-81.


Journal Articles and Essays (Co-Authored)

“Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Building an Adult Centered Degree Completion Program at a Traditional University’s Satellite campus,” with Susan Parkinson Norton. Metropolitan Universities Vol 22 Number 1 (August 2011), 103-115.

“Displays of Emotion: Middle East Politics in the Art Museum,” with David Butler. Museum News (September/October, 2005), 48-53.

Conference Proceedings

"Images of God and Country: Jewish Nationalism and Religiosity in Wilhelmine Germany." Proceedings of the 1996 International Society for the Study of European Ideas Conference: 'Memory, History and Critique: European Identity at the Millennium.' (November, 1997)


Book Reviews

The Socialist Response to Antisemitism in Imperial Germany. Lars Fischer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Journal of Social History, (Spring, 2008).

Between Philosemitism and Antisemitism: Defenses of Jews and Judaism in Germany, 1871-1932. Alan Levenson. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2004. Association of Jewish Studies Review Volume 30, #1 (March, 2006).

Social Science and the Politics of Modern Jewish Identity. Mitchell B. Hart. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000. Shofar Vol 20, #3 (Spring 2002).

Marketing Identities: The Invention of Jewish Ethnicity in Ost und West. David Brenner. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998.  Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Vol 15, #3 (Winter 2001)

The Lion and the Star: Gentile-Jewish Relations in Three Hessian Communities, 1919-1945. Jonathan Friedman. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1998. German Studies Review. Vol XXIII, #3 (October, 2000).

German-Jewish History in Modern Times. Volumes 3 and 4. Michael A. Meyer, ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998. German Studies Review. Vol XXIII, #1 (February, 2000).

German-Jewish History in Modern Times. Volumes 1 and 2. Michael A. Meyer, ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. German Studies Review. Vol XXIII, #1 (February, 2000).

 Culture and Catastrophe. German and Jewish Confrontations with National Socialism and Other Crises. Steven E. Aschheim.  New York: New York University Press, 1996.  H-German Reviews, (September, 1997).

 The Jews & Germany. From the 'Judeo-German Symbiosis" to the Memory Of Auschwitz.  Enzo Traverso. Translated by Daniel Weissbort.  Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995. German Studies Review Vol XIX, #3 (October, 1996).

The People Speak! Anti-Semitism and Emancipation in Nineteenth Century Bavaria. James F. Harris. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994. German Studies Review Vol XIX, #2 (May, 1996).

 Confronting the Nation. Jewish and Western Nationalism. George L. Mosse. Hanover: Brandeis University Press, 1993. Shofar, Vol 14, #1(Fall, 1995).

Professional Experience

Faculty Postitions:

2009-present: Professor, Department of History and the Bill and Dorothy Cohen Honors College, 鶹ƽ State University.

2001-2009: Associate Professor, Department of History, 鶹ƽ State University.

1995-2001: Assistant Professor, Department of History, 鶹ƽ State University.

1994-1995:  Adjunct Assistant Professor, European and German History, Montana State University.

1991-1994:  Lecturer in Modern European, German and Jewish History, University of Washington.


Administrative Positions:

2014-2020: Vice President, 鶹ƽ State University Foundation

2013-2014: Interim Dean, College of Health Professions, 鶹ƽ State University

2013-2016: Director of Operations, Center for Combating Human Trafficking, 鶹ƽ State University

2011-2013: Interim Provost, 鶹ƽ State University

2007-2011: Associate Provost for Strategic Planning and Operations, 鶹ƽ State University

2008-2009: Acting Director, Community Center for Support and Research, 鶹ƽ State University.

2002-2007: Associate Dean, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 鶹ƽ State University.

2001-2002: Interim Associate Dean, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 鶹ƽ State University

2000-2001: Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of History, 鶹ƽ State University.

Awards and Honors

Grants Awards and Honors

2001: (Summer) German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Study Visit Grant for Faculty

2001: University Research Award, 鶹ƽ State University

2000: (Summer), Fellow, Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization, Northwestern University.

1999: Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 鶹ƽ State University, Summer Research Grant.

1998-99: Fulbright Research Fellow, Institute for European History, Mainz, Germany.

1998: ARCS Summer Grant, 鶹ƽ State University

1997 (Summer): Visiting Scholar, Center for German and European Studies, University of California at Berkeley.

1996 (Summer): Visiting Scholar, Institute for European History,  Mainz, Germany.

1996: Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grant, American Historical Association

1996: University Research Award, 鶹ƽ State University.

Areas of Service

Professional Service:

** Member, Coalition of Urban Universities Student Performance Strand (2012-13)

 ** Membership Chair, Council of Arts and Sciences at Urban Universities (2003-7)

 ** Membership Chair, European Section of the Southern Historical Society (1997-9)

University Service:

  ** Member of the University Computer Security Task Force (2006-07)

  ** Academic Operations Council (2001-2010)

  ** Chair of Fine Arts Search Committee for the Director of the Ulrich Museum (2006)

  ** Chair of LAS Search Committee for the Director of the LAS Advising Center (2005-06)

  ** Chair of LAS Search Committee for the Curtis D. Gridley Professorship In the History and Philosophy of Science (2004-05)

  ** University Bookstore Committee (2001-02)

  ** Department Technology Committee (1996-2001)

  ** Department Representative to the LAS College Council (2000-2001)

  ** Department Newsletter Editor (1998-2000)

  ** Department Scholarship Committee (1995-98)

  ** Department Curriculum Committee (1997-98)

  ** Department Search Committees (1997, 1998)

  ** LAS General Education Review Committee (2000)

  ** University Curriculum Committee (1997-98)

  ** University Teaching and Learning Technology Roundtable (1997-98)

Community Service:

  ** President, Congregation Emanuel Foundation (current)

  ** Vice President for Programs, Rotary Club of 鶹ƽ (2016-17)

  ** Member, Kansas State Holocaust Commission (2008-11)

  ** Member, 鶹ƽ-Sedgwick County Historical Museum Board of Directors (2009-11)

  ** Member, 鶹ƽ Hispanic Chamber Board of Directors (2009-11)

  ** President, Congregation Emanu-El, (2003-2005)

  ** Communications Director, 鶹ƽ Public Schools Bond Campaign

     (September 1999-April 2000).

  ** Coordinator of 鶹ƽ’s Holocaust Commemoration Program (1996-2003).