
Kendra Baldridge, LMSW, began working at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in 2007 and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a Master of Social Work degree, both from the University of Kansas.

In 2016, she was the recipient of the Jane Addams Award from the Kansas Public Health Association, which honors a social worker who exemplifies a pioneering spirit, is a trailblazer, and strives to improve the health of the poor and the sanitary conditions of communities. Previously, she was a Case Manager for the Kansas Statewide Farmworker Health Program (KSFHP) and then the Section Director for Special Population Health. In July 2017, Kendra became the Bureau Director of Community Health Systems, which includes approximately 100 staff in six sections: Administration, Preparedness, Radiation Control, Trauma Systems, Local Public Health, and Community Health Access. Additionally, she was the Deputy Incident Commander for KDHE in the COVID-19 Response.