
Brigitte Roussel received her PhD in French Literature from the University of Kansas. She earned a Master’ s degree in English Literature from the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University (Paris III) in France.

Her teaching interests include Intermediate and Advanced grammar and conversation, French phonetics, older French civilization, and early modern French literature. 

She has published in The French Review, L’Esprit Créateur, the MLA Teaching of World Literature Series, Études Littéraires, Romance Notes, among other venues, and has presented at numerous conferences.

She was Faculty Senate President during AY 2006-07; she serves as World Language Teacher Education Program Chair at WSU and as University Supervisor in the local schools; she serves on academic editorial boards, and currently chairs the University Exceptions Committee. 

She has been moderating a monthly French Book Club at Watermark Books & Café since 2005 and has made numerous community presentations on women, politics and immigrants in France. She serves as journalistic liaison on current events for French newspapers and radio stations as well as American news broadcasts.

Curriculum Vitae


Areas of Research Interest

Early Modern French women writers; French Renaissance literature; gendered discourse through rhetoric; personal and social violence and their mythical/mythological origins; surviving endemic violence; generic transformations and rewritings of literary themes and genres. 

Areas of Teaching Interest

Courses taught at WSU

Seminar in Pedagogy (grad)

Older French Civilization

French Phonetics

Early Modern Literature Courses

Advanced French Conversation

Advanced French Grammar and Composition

Intermediate French Grammar, Conversation and Composition

Survey Courses in French Literature


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

“Vénus endeuillée à la Renaissance.” Études Littéraires 45: 1, 2014.

“Louise Labé’s Sonnet X: The Green Laurel and Women’s Poetics.” Romance Notes XXXVIII: 1, 1997.

“Perspectivisme et différance féminine dans Amandes et melon.” The French Review 71:2, 1997.

“Circularité et circulation dans Germinal: L’allégorie de la mine.” Excavatio III, 1993.

“Le Jeu du Je chez Madeleine Monette.” Revue Francophone de Louisiane V:1, 1990.   


Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

“Reinscribing the Feminine in La Navire and Le Miroir de Jhesus Christ Crucifié.” L’Esprit Créateur. Special issue: Women in the World and Works of Marguerite de Navarre. 57:3, 2017.

“Nicole Estienne and the Question of Marriage.” MLA - Teaching French Women Writers of the Renaissance and Reformation, 2011.

“Perspectivisme et différance féminine dans Amandes et melon.” Summa Publications, Inc. 1999.


Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

“Louise LabĂ© et le nĂ©o-platonisme dans le DĂ©bat de Folie et d’Amour.” Continental, Latin-American and Francophone Women Writers: Selected Papers from the Â鶹ĆĆ˝â°ć State University Conference on Foreign Literature, 1997.

“L’Émergence de la dissimulation dans un roman de Marie-Claire Blais.” Continental, Latin-American and Francophone Women Writers: Selected Papers from the Â鶹ĆĆ˝â°ć State University Conference on Foreign Literature, 1988.


Peer-reviewed Encyclopedia Entries

“Pernette du Guillet.” Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance: Italy, France, and England, 2007.

“Marceline Desbordes-Valmore.” A Feminist Companion to French Literature, 1999.


Book Prefaces

Comparing Six Translations of Miguel Cervantès ’s El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, 2009.


Book Reviews

“Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563.” Edited by Susan Broomhall. (Gendering the Late Medieval and Early Modern World.) Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018. French Studies, 2020.

«Diane.» Nicolas de Montreux. Edited and translated by Richard Hillman. Presses Universitaires François Rabelais. 2019. Renaissance Quarterly, 2020.

“The Other Pascals: The Philosophy of Jacqueline Pascal, Gilberte Pascal Périer, and Marguerite Périer.” John J. Conley. University of Notre Dame Press, 2019. Renaissance Quarterly, December 2020.

«Marguerite d’Auge, Renée Burlamacchi, and Jeanne du Laurens - Sin and Salvation in Early Modern France: Three Women’s Stories.” Colette Winn, ed. Nicholas Van Handel, trans. Toronto: Iter Press, 2017. Early Modern Women Journal, 2019.

“The Thirteenth Century: A World History.” Richard Bressler, McFarland, 2018. SMART, Fall 2019.

“Approaches to Teaching the Works of Christine de Pizan.” Edited by Andrea Tarnowski, MLA, 2018. SMART, Summer 2019.

“Involuntary Confessions of the Flesh in Early Modern France.” Nora Martin Peterson. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2016. The French Review, vol. 91.4, spring 2018. pp. 264-265.   

“Challenges to Traditional Authority: Play by French Women Authors 1650-1700. Françoise Pascal, Marie-Catherine Desjardins, Antoinette Deshoulières, Catherine Durand.” Ed. and trans. Perry Gethner. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series 36; Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 477; Toronto: Iter Academy Press; Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2015. Renaissance Quarterly, issue (70.1), spring 2017.

“Women and Writing c.1340-c.1650: The Domestication of Print Culture. Edited by Anne Lawrence-Mathers and Philippa Hardman. Woodbridge: York Medieval Press, 2010. SMART (Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching). Volume 23, Issue 2, Fall 2016. 149-55.

“The Medieval Sea”. Susan Rose. London: Hambledon Continuum, 2007. SMART. Volume 23, Issue 1. Spring 2016. 161-65. 16165.

“Communal Discord, Child Abduction and Rape in the Middle Ages”. Jeremy Goldberg. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. SMART. Volume 21, Issue 1, Spring 2014. 143-51.

“The Medieval French Pastourelle Tradition – Poetic Motivations and Generic Transformations”. Geri L. Smith. Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2009. SMART. Volume 20, Issue 2, Fall 2013. 155-160.

“Les EpĂ®tres familères et invectives et Le Songe d’HĂ©lisenne de Crenne ». Ed. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’UniversitĂ© de Saint-Etienne sous la direction d’Eliane Viennot, 2008. Women In French, 2010. 

“The Chastity Belt in the Middle Ages: a Myth-making Process”. Albrecht Classen. SMART. Volume 17, Issue 1, Spring 2010. 133-37.

 â€śThe Companion to the Fairy Tale”. Edited by Hilda Ellis and Davidson and Anna Chaudhri. SMART. Volume 20, Issue 1, Spring 2009. P. 153-55.

“Pernette du Guillet, Rymes, edition critique Christian Barataud et Danielle Trudeau, Paris, Champion (Textes de la Renaissance N˚129). Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et de Renaissance. Volume LXX-2, 2008, p. 501-04.

«Les Femmes et la tradition littéraire. Anthologie du Moyen Âge à nos jours.» Première Partie. Vicki Mistacco. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. Women in French, 2007.

“Prions en chantant: Devotional Songs of the Trouvères”. Edited and translated by Marcia Jenneth Epstein. SMART. Volume 13, Issue 1, Spring 2006, p. 113-16.

“Tortured Subjects: Pain, Truth, and the Body in Early Modern France” by Lisa Silverman. SMART. Volume 10, Issue 2, Fall 2003. P. 87-91. 

“Autour de Montaigne.» Emile Faguet. Préface d’Antoine Compagnon. Paris: Champion, 1999. The French Review. 2001.

“Renaissance Resonance: Lyric Modality in La Ceppède’s Théorèmes » by Russell Ganim. The French Review. May 2000.Volume 73, No.6, pp. 1219-1220.

« Le Triumphe des Vertuz » by Jean Thénaud. Edited by Titia J. Schuuurs-Janssen. The Sixteenth Century Journal. Spring 1999. Vol. XXX, No.1, pp. 194-196.

«łŇ˛ą°ů˛µ˛ą˛ÔłŮłÜ˛ą.» François Rabelais. Ed. Nicole Cazauran, prĂ©sentation et notes, et Marie-Claire Thomine, transcription du texte. Paris : Imprimerie Nationale, 1997. The French Review. 1999.

“Les Angoysses douloureuses qui procedent d’amours.» Helisenne de Crenne. Ed. Christine de Buzon, 1997. The French Review. 1998.

“Les Epistres familieres et invectives de ma dame Hélisenne”. Edited by Jerry C. Nash. The Sixteenth Century Journal. Spring 1998. Vol.XXIX, No 1, pp. 128-30.

“Le Triumphe des Vertuz. Premier TraitĂ©: Le Triumphe de Prudence.” Jean Thenaud. Ed. Titia J. Schuurs-Janssen. Textes LittĂ©raires Français. Geneva: Droz, 1997. Sixteenth Century Journal, 1998. 

“La PoĂ©sie du ciel en France dans la seconde moitiĂ© du seizième siècle” by Isabelle Pantin. The Sixteenth Century Journal. Fall 1997. Vol.XVIII, No 3, pp. 926-27. 

“The Subject of Desire: Petrarchan Poetics and the Female Voice in Louise Labé” by Deborah Lesko Baker. The Sixteenth Century Journal. Fall 1997. Vol.XVIII, No 3, pp. 997-99.

"A History of the French Language through Texts" by Wendy Ayres-Bennett. Rocky Mountain Review. Spring 1997. Vol.51, No 1, pp. 78-80.

"Androgyny and the Denial of Difference" by Kari Weil. Studies in Twentieth Century Literature. Winter 1995. Vol. 19, No 1, pp. 146-48.

"The Voice of the TrobaĂŻritz: Perspectives on the Women Troubadours". Edited by William D. Paden.  Synopsis 3 1991-93. Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston.  pp. 85-88.

Awards and Honors
  • May 2017: Â鶹ĆĆ˝â°ć State University John R. Barrier Distinguished Teaching Award in LAS for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • September 2012: 30 years of service at WSU
  • May 2008: President’s Distinguished Service Award – WSU  Presidential Award 
  • September 2007: 25 years of faculty service to Â鶹ĆĆ˝â°ć State University
  • May 2006: Leadership in the Advancement of Teaching Award - WSU Presidential Award
  • October 2002: Best Educator of the Year Award (created that year) – regional – Kansas American Association of the Teachers of French
  • May 1998: Faculty Mentor of the year for French student: Emory Lindquist Honors - College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
  • May 1996: WSU Best Advisor Award for French Honors Society Pi Delta Phi.
  • May 1988: Honors Reception Award: for Excellence in Graduate Studies at the Ph.D. level, University of Kansas.
  • May 1987: Honors Reception Award: for Excellence in Graduate Studies at the Ph.D. level, University of Kansas.
Areas of Service

Â鶹ĆĆ˝â°ć State University

Liaison with School of Education in the College of Applied Studies (Program Chair)

Field Placements for and supervisor of World Language Teacher Education candidates (Program Chair)

University Exceptions Committee (Chair)

Faculty Senate (Member and President)

LAS College Council (Sub-committee Chair)

Departmental T&P Committee (Chair)

WSU-Orléans Exchange Program for Study Abroad (Coordinator)

Immersion Day for French High School Students (Organizer)

French Honors Society (Academic Advisor)

Academic Editorial Boards (Assistant Editor)


Â鶹ĆĆ˝â°ć Greater Area

French Book Club at Watermark Books & Café (Group Leader)

Community Involvement with presentations on women, politics and immigrants in France

Journalistic liaison on current events for French newspapers and radio stations as well as American news broadcasts