Founded in 1972, as the second Women’s Studies Department in the US, WSU’s Department has recently been revised to reflect changes in Women’s Studies’ academic field as reflected in its new name, Women’s, Ethnicity, and Intersectional Studies, which acknowledges the variety of political forces - ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, class, and ability - and how they may intersect in different contexts.
Gordon, Deborah, “Liberal Islamopohobia and Feminism at WSU” Diverse Women’s Summit, WSU, March 2022. Griffin, Jean, “Femi-Nazis Do Exist: Women of the Alt-Right.” Presentation, Diverse Women’s Summit,
WSU, March 2002. Henry, Robin, “To Celebrate or Not?: The Intersectional Conundrum of the 19th Amendment.” Presentation,
Diverse Women’s Summit, WSU, March 2022.. “Wiesner, S., & Hertzog, J. “Building Connections for Addressing DVSAS on Campus through Service Learning and
Curriculum Infusion.” Presentation, Virtual Gender & Sexuality in Kansas Conference.
March 2022. Kalomo, EN & Besthorn, F.H., Elderly Grandmothers Raising Orphans & Vulnerable Children Affected
by HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Literature Review and Emerging Efforts in Namibia.
GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy, 5 (1). Okafor, Chinyere, ““Debriefing Intersectionality Horizontally and Vertically.” Presentation, Diverse
Women’s Summit, WSU, March 2002. Erickson, Jacob & Jennifer Pearson, “Excluding Whom? An Examination of Race, Gender, and Suspension. Education and Urban Society, forthcoming.WEIS Committee Research
Smith, Amanda, “Misogynoir: Intersection of Racism and Sexism.” Brown, Katrena, Conley, Cristin, Menifield , Rickey Ortiz, Tihesha, & Robinson, Boadicea,
“Intersectionality at Work.” Demar, Darrell, Terpstra, Taylor, Riveros, Maria, Caldwell, Lainey, and Rocha, Paige,
“Why is it Important to Study the Intersection of Poverty and Ethnicity.” Gomez, Alyssa Gonzalez, Julia, Solorio-Martinez Elizabeth, Gordon, Kyla and Lambrecht,
Makayla , “Scenarios of Femininity and Class.”Student Research Presentations WSU Diverse Women’s Summit “On Intersectionality” March
Gordon, Deborah, co-editor, Women Writing Culture. University of California. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1996. Palestine There and Here, in progress Okafor, Chinyere, “Diary of An American Woman: First of a Three-Part Story called
This Africa in My Dream” Irinkerindo: a journal of african migration. Issue 7 (2014): 76-111. “Editorial: Engaging African Gender Inequality Through Formal and Informal Education.”
Journal of International Gender Studies 10 (2015): vi-x. Gender, Performance and Communication: African Ikeji Mask Festivals of Afro and Diaspora. Africa World Press. 2017. Zeb Silhouette. Ghana: Sub-Saharan Publishers,. 2021.Core Faculty Major Publications & Work in Progress