The following is a list of Lecture Series lectures scheduled for the Spring 2019 semester. Times, locations, and abstracts can be viewed by following the links.

January 18, 2019

Prof. Nikolai Leonenko

Cardiff University, United Kingdom

"The Fractional Non-homogeneous Poisson Process"


February 22, 2019 - CANCELLED

Dr. Casey Kelleher

Princeton University

"Some results for harmonic maps"


March 6, 2019 - Visiting Candidate for Assistant Professor Position

Dr. Giordano Tierra Chica

Temple University

"Numerical schemes for mixtures of isotropic and nematic
flows with anchoring and stretching effects modeled using
a phase field approach"


March 8, 2019 - Visiting Candidate for Assistant Professor Position

Dr. Yuan Liu

Mississippi State University

"High order structure-preserving numerical methods for
convection-diffusion-reaction equations"


March 18, 2019 - Visiting Candidate for Assistant Professor Position

Dr. Alessandro Buccini

Kent State University

"Variational methods for ill-posed inverse problems"


March 22, 2019 - CANCELLED

Dr. Lynne Seymour

University of Georgia

"Finding Atmospheric Features with Topological Data Analysis"


March 25, 2019 - Visiting Candidate for Assistant Professor Position

Dr. Christopher Green

Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

"Aspects of potential theory in the plane, on the sphere, and on torus"


April 5, 2019

Dr. Zhiliang Xu

University of Notre Dame

"Central and Central Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Schemes on
Overlapping Cells of Unstructured Grids for Solving Ideal MHD Equations
with Globally Divergence-Free Magnetic Field"


May 10, 2019

Dr. John Harvey

Swansea University, UK

"Estimating the reach of a submanifold"