Nutrient Optimization in Wastewater Treatment Webinar Series

View our series of webinars meant for wastewater plant operators and managers who are working on nutrient removal and optimization efforts at their plants. Click on a topic below to view the webinar and download course slides.

Introduction to Optimizing Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance

This webinar provides a high-level view of the importance of operator controls and in-plant environmental management necessary for biological nutrient removal. Download PowerPoint Slides

Kansas Nutrient Optimization Case Studies

Wastewater plants in Kansas who have successfully optimized for nutrient removal are covered in this webinar, with a focus on the types of operational changes and capital needs that went into optimization efforts. Download PowerPoint Slides

Nitrogen Removal Concepts

This webinar covers the conversion of ammonia into nitrates and the conversion of nitrates into nitrogen gas. The environmental conditions necessary for conversions are also discussed. Download PowerPoint Slides



Phosphorus Removal

This webinar focuses on biological phosphorus removal concepts and troubleshooting of problems which may inhibit phosphorus removal at wastewater plants. Download Presentation Slides