IMC class working on a project outside

IMC studies prepare students for the field of advertising, public relations, marketing and related creative media. The courses emphasize strategy and writing skills that build understanding of how creative promotional campaigns are produced for businesses and consumers. Researching, creating, writing, editing and organizing are essential elements for excellent marketing campaigns. Students majoring in IMC are poised for the advertising/marketing/public relations field to work with media, do market research, work for a for-profit or non-profit business or pursue a career with advertising agencies.


Account Executive Advertising Copywriter
Advertising Manager Chief Advertising Executive
Chief Communication Executive Creative Director
Chief Public Relations Executive Manager of Internal Communication
Projector Coordinator Marketing Communications Specialist
Product/Brand Manager Media Buyer
Media Relations Manager Business to Business Sales
Trade Show Manager Public Relations Manager
Sales Promotion Manager or Coordinator Director of Communications
Director of Public Relations Strategist/Analyst Researcher


For the full curriculum and required courses, click