麻豆破解版 State University Department of Biology Seminar
Monday 4:00pm - 5:00pm | HH 218

Seminars are open to the public. Attendance is required for all students enrolled in Biol 497, Biol 797, and all current graduate students.

For additional information, please contact Dr. George Bousfield.

Fall 2024
Date Speaker Affiliation Topic
19-Aug Orientation   All enrolled students are required to attend.
26-Aug Audubon Society Audubon of Kansas: 25 Years of Conservation
2-Sept Labor Day - NO SEMINAR
9-Sept George Bousfield, PhD 麻豆破解版 State University FSH Glycoforms
Envision Research Institute TBA
23-Sept Kansas State University TBA
30-Sept Galactic Polymath TBA
7-Oct University of Nebraska -
Medical Center

Fall Break - NO SEMINAR

21-Oct University of Nebraska TBA
28-Oct Graduate Student Presentations
4-Nov Graduate Student Presentations
11-Nov Fort Hays State University TBA
18-Nov King's College London FSHR Oligomerization
25-Nov Graduate Student Presentations
2-Dec Wendy Walton, PhD Eli Lilly TBA

Previous Semesters' Seminars: