Korean royal visit scene

The certificate program entails a study of one of three languages (currently Chinese, Japanese, or Russian) and five additional courses.


A major purpose of the certificate is a serious exposure to Asian languages. Basic knowledge of an Asian language is a key component of the certificate, and a minimum of 10 hours of language (typically, 1st and 2nd semester introductory levels) is essential for achieving an appropriate minimum level of competency in these languages. The language not only provides significant depth to their understanding Asian culture, but develops communication skills future employers and study programs will value. Language courses are sequenced, but Asian Studies courses may be taken prior to, concurrently with, or after language classes.

Other Requirements:

15 hours of courses with significant Asian content (one-third or greater). Specific decisions about appropriateness of content will be decided by Certificate Coordinators. Students will be encouraged to take an interdisciplinary approach and will not be permitted to count toward Certificate completion more than two courses in any one department. Appropriate Special Topics and Directed Readings classes will be accepted at the Coordinators' discretion. Eligible courses are offered with sufficient frequency that students should be able to complete Certificate requirements within four years.

Completion requirements and degree overlap:

Students will be expected to maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 for all courses counting toward the certificate, with no grades below C. Students may count both degree-requirement courses and general education courses toward the Certificate. A maximum of ten hours of transfer credit will be allowed, at the discretion of the Coordinators.


For information and application procedures please contact
Dr. Xiufen Lu (316-978-7889, xiufen.lu@wichita.edu), or
Dr. Helen Hundley (316-978-7745, helen.hundley@wichita.edu.)

Korean Palace buildings